Do you want to make progress and be seen by your superiors and colleagues so that they also perceive your achievements better? Then make sur...
Do you want to make progress and be seen by your superiors and colleagues so that they also perceive your achievements better? Then make sure you get noticed. The motto is to attract attention. Only positive, of course - that's clear. How does it work? You can find out here.
Points with skill and knowledge
The job is all about professional qualities. Neither a great look nor a loud voice hides industry-specific deficits. So it's learning, learn, learn. Does the motto also apply in your company: Don't complain, is enough praise? Then make sure that your achievements are noticed! Show that you want to develop! Ask for further training offers that show that you are perhaps already way ahead of other colleagues.
Suggestions for improvement that make work processes more efficient, lead to savings, or improve the company's image are usually gladly accepted. They show that you feel connected to the company and think along with it. However, you should not apply these too confidently, but make sure that you do not get the reputation of a know-it-all.
Make yourself indispensable by specializing and taking on tasks that few can do. This makes it noticeable when you are not there and the company sees how important you are.
And if something goes wrong, then own up to your mistake and make sure that it causes the least possible damage. Your honesty will be greatly appreciated and mistakes will be forgiven.
be a dude
If the technical fit, you can score with your image. Of course, the clothing must match the job and, above all, the company’s dress code. Nevertheless, you can combine shirts in different ways, for example, impress with great cuts or noble fabrics.
Accessories that do not stand in the way of occupational safety are permitted. You probably know that when you talk to friends about a party and can't remember the guests, features such as stylish glasses, the diamond on the tooth, or particularly elegant shoes then serve as a personal description.
It is of course important that you are not allowed to bend. You have to look authentic and feel comfortable in your clothes, hairstyle, and accessories. Otherwise, it will affect your self-confidence and instead of being the guy with the cool glasses, you'll quickly be the guy who's always tugging at your tie.
There are actually image consultants who will also go shopping with you and advise you. They are often more honest than the sellers. But your whole appearance also determines what colleagues and superiors think of you. If you feel insecure, book a coach to accompany you.
Please provide feedback regularly
Good companies conduct regular appraisal interviews, conduct employee satisfaction surveys, and strive to provide their employees with tailor-made personnel development. But it's not like that everywhere. So don't be afraid to get active yourself. Ask for talks, ask for interim references! At the latest when asking about interim references, supervisors will scrutinize you more carefully, because they usually associate this with a desire for change and thoughts of emigration. If the company wants to keep you, you will certainly be offered interviews and maybe even a higher salary.
By the way, regular interim references also tell you whether your position has changed, your achievements are still appreciated, or whether you have made careless mistakes. Routine leads to negligence, that's completely normal. And if you don't feel appreciated for your work, a certain amount of frustration can also cause commitment to wane.
Not only feedback from the superior is important, but also from the closest colleagues. Not everyone has the ability to take criticism and very few can take it as well as hand it out. Dissociate yourself from those who whisper behind other people's backs and engage in conversations to find out what's bugging co-workers or what changes they would like to see made.
know your goal
Of course, standing out at all costs is not the solution either. You need to know your goal in order to know what steps will bring you closer to it. If you lack the knowledge for a better-paying job, do further training. If you are aiming to move up into management, find out about the courses for advanced training. Many training measures can also be funded by the state independently of the company. But there is nothing wrong with asking the boss whether he is applying for funding for a qualification.
Try to find out what the boss values and shines in those areas. If the supervisor likes order, but your desk is chaotic, he will also notice it, but negatively. So try to be extra tidy, extra punctual, etc.
What companies always appreciate is working on a good image to the outside world. If you have families with children in your area, try to get your company to host an open house, showcase the company, or sponsor a local club. This gives you good press, promotes your image, and guarantees you attention, not just from your manager.
Share yourself and share with others
Job is job and schnapps is schnapps, they say. That's how it should be. Nevertheless, one or the other detail from the private sphere can also be exchanged between colleagues and superiors. Unusual hobbies are remembered, but also unusual burdens such as social honorary posts, caring for grandmother, or sporting achievements attract attention, which can then be transferred to the job.
In general, communication is an important topic in every job. With good rhetoric, you can highlight your achievements without overshadowing others. Try to connect the members of the team by specifically asking and motivating reticent colleagues. Supervisors also notice something like this positively and they recognize the basis for personnel responsibility and employee management.
Practice positive communication and consciously choose positive words. People prefer to be around positive people than negative ones.
Conclusion: Standing out on the job must be closely linked to professional competence, otherwise all actions will backfire. This is why further training is an important point in professional life. But you can also move into the focus of decision-makers and boost your career with image, personality, and commitment. If you exaggerate, you will be perceived as a self-promoter, basking in your success. So your motto should be: Less is more.