January smells so new to us that it becomes a mirage. In the New Year's promises, we see the oasis that will make it possible for us to ...
January smells so new to us that it becomes a mirage. In the New Year's promises, we see the oasis that will make it possible for us to “now” fulfill the resolutions that we recycle each year.
In this list, many women include losing weight. For many of us, the words “ New Year, New Diet ” are a common and almost obligatory goal. Today, we want to invite you to break this custom, for your own good and that of your family. We explain why.
Is it a health concern?
It is common to assume socially that a primary struggle of us women is against being overweight. Unfortunately, many women increase this stereotype: it also seems to us that we should always look good, always better, always prettier.
Of course, a purpose like this is good, but to what extent is it healthy? Should it always be one of our first resolutions as women to worry about our appearance? Are we equally interested in improving our character, learning new things, improving our social relationships?
Why do you look outside more?
We do not intend to give you lessons, we know perfectly well that each person can set the goals they want, we just want to remind you that you are much more important, valuable, and beautiful than what your reflection shows you when you look restless in the mirror.
And this is clear, because many times, being overweight, for example, is a sign of something inside you that yearns for wealth and spiritual food, that you - without understanding the substance of the matter - feed with cravings, without satisfying the root problem.
Proposing to dedicate time, energy, and forceful efforts to look inside yourself, can be the touchstone that projects your great inner beauty once and for all.
Acknowledge “what you do”
Today, we want to invite you to postpone a little that purpose that would take care of your appearance, to focus on the root, which -within you- makes your face look not so healthy, that your belly is a little wider than your jeans. , and that you are so tired all day.
It's good that you want to reduce sizes so that you take advantage of all the clothes in the closet, but first, please, recognize that what you are, what you do have, what you do have, what you do project, what you do, what you do matter.
The extra kilos irritate you. Good! For your health, it is good that you make war on them, but first dare to look lovingly at yourself.
reflect a little
Please think of someone you love very much. Think of her hands, her face. Do you love him more because he has one more wrinkle, one less wrinkle? Have you ever thought of loving him more if he wore different clothes, or was thinner? I'm sure not. And yet, sometimes we lose focus with ourselves.
I know, because I've done it many times. I have been discouraged on many occasions when I see that I cannot maintain the diet that I had proposed, or that I am still appearing in photos with a "fat" arm. And I have dared (badly) to despise myself when I do not meet the "standard".
However (bless God), neither my children, nor my husband, nor my parents, nor my brothers, nor my friends, love me more or less for how I look.
So I want to start with me
The beauty that -confusingly- seems to me to be shown only in front of the mirror, I already have inside me for all those who love me, who do manage to hug me, talk to me, enjoy me and value me regardless of the size of pants I wear.
And I want to start looking at myself like that. I truly believe that if I accept, acknowledge and value that beauty and my awareness that I am complete, beautiful, and adequate just the way I am, I can work more effectively on projecting it outward.
So, I will feed myself with more wisdom, because it suits me to take care of my health, because I love myself as I am because I want to last for many years because I want to be as long as possible for those I love, and that will make my care decisions outward much more conscious, richer and more permanent.
And I want to stop listening to the noise
Because the commercials want to sell me that beauty is only in the face without imperfections, the skeletal legs, and the brand clothes, but I will no longer pay attention to them, nor will I let myself be dizzy by what the mother influencers show me in a photo that sums up your day in 15 seconds because I'll be planted on the floor with the security of who I am, what I'm worth and what I want for myself and mine.
And I will be able to show that way to my friends and my daughters
This will help break the prison that many of my friends also live in. And my personal acceptance of who I am, what I'm worth, and my beauty outside of external social appreciations, will allow me to create healthy self-esteem in my sons and daughters, avoiding the traps of consumer society and artificial and vain beauty.
From now on I will heal my daughter's vision, so that she doesn't get caught by those who want to look only at her waist, and neglect her eyes and the value of her critical vision, her creativity, and her strength. I will invite her to show herself with a washed face but with ideas rooted in the depths of her soul.
He will not be ashamed of his freckles, nor of the hair on his arms, because his heart, and his contribution to the world, goes far beyond an impeccable appearance because the world belongs to those who know how to recognize the beauty of the deep, of the authentic.
So, please, stop for a moment your urge to change your appearance, and dedicate this year to looking at yourself again, pampering your heart, your serenity, your inner richness. To value yourself and highlight your deepest riches, beautiful gifts from God that those who love you already enjoy. I wish that this year you manage to reconcile with your body, your life will be much happier and freer. Happy life!