The long-awaited great war in Warframe is finally gaining momentum with Operation Scarlet Spear. However, the players are not really satisfi...
The long-awaited great war in Warframe is finally gaining momentum with Operation Scarlet Spear. However, the players are not really satisfied with the current event. Digital Extremes miscalculated a bit during the grinding period and sent its players on an endless adventure.
How to play Scarlet Spear
A new space station is currently orbiting the Earth. Once there you will find "Little Duck" and she will explain the rough story to you. After that, let's get started. No tutorial, no big speeches or explanations. Typical Warframe.
At Little Duck, you can buy various items. Most only with Scarlet Credits, which you get for playing the event. However, your Op Link only costs 1,000 normal credits. You must then place this in your equipment wheel so that you can use it in the mission.
Mastery Rank 3 is required to participate in Scarlet Spear. But you don't have to bring a whole team with you. There is regular matchmaking that puts you into open squads.
There are two mission types that are played by two teams of four at the same time. They are connected in real-time and are dependent on each other.
A server is either in combat, which lasts a maximum of three hours or in a rest phase. If you have completed battles on a server and the battle on this server ends, you will receive extra points.
A maximum of 100 murexes can be defeated in a fight, then the server goes into a rest phase and you either wait until the next fight starts or you change the server.
You can choose the server on the star map when you go to the Scarlet space station.
The Murex Raid
At least one player on the team needs a rail jack for the Murex Raid. You can also join an ongoing mission yourself. The Railjack team collects satellites, attaches them to the Sentient ship, and then enters the ship to receive kill codes from the ground team.
You receive these kill codes by deploying your OpLink in the Sentient ship. The quest marker shows you where to place it. Then it's just a matter of defending the OpLinks from the Sentients until nine kill codes have been collected.
This procedure is repeated five times. After that, the Murex Raid is over and you can start the next one.
Ground Assault
The ground offensive works a little bit like a mobile defense. You go to your goal, set up the Op Links, and defend them. You get the kill codes from the Condrix that you have to eliminate.
In a round of Ground Offensive, you are allowed to kill up to 17 of these Condrix enemies. After that, the mission is over and you can start over.
Community criticism of Scarlet Spear
Warframe has always been a very time-consuming game. Some items even take several days to craft. So it's not surprising that some events are intended to tease out one or two hours of play from the community.
However, according to the community, Scarlet Spear overdid it a bit. The time it takes to unlock a single weapon is just over four hours, according to community calculations... which isn't too bad actually.
The Scarlet Spear event still lasts over 20 days. Just focus on completing your battles properly. You won't have any trouble getting the two weapons, and getting hold of the odd arcana as well.
Warframe is and remains a real grind game. Digital Extremes isn't going to just throw anything out of the players' laps anytime soon.
Unfortunately, there was also justified criticism. Many a kill code did not reach its destination due to bugs. This caused a lot of frustration, especially in the early phase of the event. In the meantime, however, the problem has been fixed with a hotfix. So Scarlet Spear didn't start quite smoothly after all.
There are some new rewards in Little Ducks Shop that you can only get by playing the Scarlet Event. There will likely be opportunities to earn these blueprints again in the future.
The two weapons are a melee weapon and a primary weapon. Then there's a stance forma, a new simulacrum, three clan sigils, two orbiter consoles, and lots of bronze and silver arcanas for sale. Here is a table to illustrate the price:
The two weapons are definitely worth farming for, and the arcanas are worth every scarlet credit. The two orbiter consoles, the three clan sigils, and the simulacrum are nice cosmetic items that should be low on your priority list.
The Stance Forma is absolutely awful and should not be bought by anyone. For one, it costs 5,000 Scarlet Credits. That alone is a pretty deep drain on your bank account. You could buy yourself five bronze arcanas from that.
To craft this blueprint, you will need Credits, a Normal Forma, an Argon Crystal, and FIVE Nitain Extract. With the exception of the credits, these are all pretty valuable resources that you don't want to put into formatting a stance mod slot.
The Stance Forma is new to the game but should never be used by any player.
Frames for Scarlet Spear
What frames and weapons are best for Scarlet Spear? Let's start with the ground offensive. Not only is Mesa one of the best frames in the regular game, but she also packs a punch in Scarlet Spear. With her revolvers, she can smoke out all the small enemies wonderfully and thus give the team room to breathe.
Loki is great for disarming enemies. Nova is also a good CC frame. When it comes to protecting OpLinks, Frost is the best choice. With his snow globe, he can easily cover and protect all Op Links. Of course, Limbo with maximum range is also a good way to protect a significant area.
The best way to quickly eliminate the Condrix and provide the team in the Railjack with kill codes is to use the Redeemer weapon. If you prefer other weapons, we still have another good tip for you: Build corrosion damage into your weapon and maximize the weapon's critical hit chance. With this combo, your enemies will literally melt away.
The Murex Raid is not exactly designed for DPS frames. Again, Limbo and Frost are good frames to protect the Op Links. Otherwise, you can also take your rhino with you to survive as long as possible.
The first Scarlet Event is, in our opinion, a moderate success. The community provided a fair amount of headwinds at the start. Sometimes not quite right. Nevertheless, you have to give Digital Extremes some goodwill, since the employees are all working from home at the moment.
The event lasts long enough to get all the rewards and still live a normal life. At the moment there isn't that much going on outside anyway. Enjoy Scarlet Spear while it lasts and grabs the new weapons! But please not the stance forma. It's pixel waste.