Most people tend to self-medicate when they begin to feel some of the typical discomforts of a cold since the medicines are easily found in ...
Most people tend to self-medicate when they begin to feel some of the typical discomforts of a cold since the medicines are easily found in any pharmacy without the need for a prescription. However, care must be taken, since it may be another disease in which the symptoms are very similar.
I am referring to Meningitis, where the symptoms begin with burning in the throat, fever, and neck pain among others. If it is not diagnosed in time, it can be fatal. The World Health Organization defines meningitis as an inflammation of the tissues that cover the brain and spinal cord.
How to prevent meningitis
Wash your hands after eating, preparing food, or after going to the bathroom, even when you get home from the street. Also avoid sharing your toothbrush, touching infected objects, kissing, coughing, or sneezing without covering your nose or mouth, since contagion is viral or bacterial.
The virus is usually abundant in hot weather and spreads easily through infected saliva, mucus, or feces.
who are more likely
Babies, children, and especially those who have low defenses in their immune system.
Treatments and diagnosis
Specialists recommend the use of medications such as antibiotics administered intravenously to completely eliminate the infection, as well as maximum rest and isolation. It is usually diagnosed when people have signs such as a stiff neck, headache, fever, vomiting, nausea, confusion, and seizures.
Deadly Consequences
Unfortunately, when the disease is diagnosed at an advanced stage it can cause permanent or irreversible brain damage or injury, deafness, or death. This virus or bacteria spreads through the bloodstream and affects the cerebrospinal fluid (the fluid that circulates through the spaces in and around the brain and spinal cord), obstructing the correct passage of oxygen to the brain.
How to protect your family?
Control in vaccines, both in babies, children, and adults
Healthy eating (fruits, vegetables, and proteins)
Avoid being in crowded places
Ventilate the house completely
Wash your hands frequently
Cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough
Avoid exchange of saliva
disinfect the toys
Go to the doctor
Taking care of health is not a game. We must be aware of promoting good hygiene and eating habits in our family. Therefore, remember to avoid self-medicating because you may have a disease other than the one you think you have. A timely diagnosis will always save your life!